Below are links to the resources (code, links, schematics etc.) for the courses I am and have been teaching at UdK Berlin. It is mostly code and examples written in SuperCollider, PureData, Processing, Unity and Arduino.
The easiest way to download the examples is to click the green button marked 'Code' and then select 'Download ZIP'.
Note that the current semester's repository (bottom) will be updated now and then, so I recommend to come here and download the updated files each week.
2009_SS (Supercollider)
2009-2010_WS (Supercollider)
2010_SS (Supercollider)
2010-2011_WS (Supercollider)
2011_SS (PureData)
2011-2012_WS (Supercollider + PureData)
2012_SS (Supercollider + PureData + Arduino)
2012-2013_WS (Supercollider + PureData + Arduino)
2013_SS (lots of different software and hardware)
2013-2014_WS (Beaglebone Black)
2014_SS (Beaglebone Black)
2014-2015_WS (Supercollider + Processing + Python + Arduino)
2015_SS (Supercollider + Arduino)
2015-2016_WS (Supercollider + Processing)
2016_SS (Supercollider + Processing + Python)
2016-2017_WS (Supercollider + Unity)
2017_SS (Supercollider + Unity) 2017-2018_WS (Supercollider + Unity)